Thursday, December 21, 2006

What TEAMRICE meant to me?

I guess I've been kinda reserved on this subject for quite a while now. I guess it's time for me to speak up. Just a little bit of history lesson or a walk down memory lane.

Back then I got to know a bunch of guys who are very passionate about their Hondas and night after night sitting at this place called Carlos in USJ2. No doubt the group started small but I could sence the togetherness of the group. Eventhough, it's kinda hazy. Still no one had the idea of forming a group or TEAM. I actually told Hazry, Zoo, Dogg and Pataya about my idea to form a group since I had experience it when I was with DemonTweeks.

At that time Haze, Pataya, Dogg and me used to go what we call spending quality time during weekends. Like going to SS Racing window shopping (even though we have no money to buy anything), Midvalley, Mag shop at Amcorp Mall, Indian food, PJ Old town food court or just lepak in Doggs room browsing through the nett or read some mag. Talk about mods and most of the time talk cock.ahahaha

One day it just happened. Well, the idea of naming it TEAMRICE was after watching Brandon's EK9 V-Tec turbo in action. Dogg actually sent an email to TEAMRICE Hawai to get their permission to form TEAMRICE asia. Which he got the permission and TEMRICE was born. Pataya, was the fist to put teh sticker followed by Dogg and me.

The had it's ups and down due to different views and opinion. It even went through a major slump when some of us actually went to another group. To tell ya quite frankly, I personnally felt kinda hurt as the group started crumbling. Thanks to few die hard TEAMRICE we managed to form the TEAM again.

TEAMRICE is not just a sticker on the car. It meant more to me, It's all about friendship and togetherness. It's like brotherhood pack. I don't a fuck what other people think cause that how I felt. I will put the TEAMRICE sticker and carry the name TEAMRICE with PRIDE no matter where I go.

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