Wednesday, November 01, 2006

DIY Project : Part 2

Let us move on to the next DIY project. This time around, it's the manifold cover or heatshield turn to get a makeover. Man, this heatshield is a sight for sore eyes. It's faded and looks kinda rusty too. In another word it's FUGLY!! I felt like throwing up everytime I look at it. My initial plan is to change it either to ARC or Cusco manifold cover. But I prefer ARC since it's made out of titanium. It's gives that nice colour after the metal heated up.

Since I have no budget at the moment. The only thing left to do would be to paint it. It's time to get my hands dirty again. Since I already have a can of black paint and clear coat at home. So all I need to spend about RM: 3.00 for a roll of sandpaper.

Another bonus for is that I have a spare manifold cover at home. Don't ask me how I get my hands on that. It's a long story. Anyway, the first thing I did was to remove all the current paint on the manifold cover with the sandpaper. Then clean it throughly. Let it dry up.

Then the paint work starts. I start with the base coat. Waited for 10mins, for the base 1st coat to dry up. I repeat the process like 4 times. That makes it 4 coat all together. Then comes the clear coat. I added another 3 layer of clear coat. The results was a nice shinny looking manifold cover.

After the paint job

Manifold Cover Before

Manifold Cover After

Cost: RM: 3.00 for the sandpaper

Results : Newer looking manifold cover

Anyway, after installing it. I went to the Carlos. Our usual hangout. I found out that it was a mistake to add the clear coat. Since the manifold cover is too hot. The clear coat cannot cope with the heat and melted. Well, it still look kinda nice even after the clear coat melted.

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