Tuesday, September 18, 2007

7474 SUNAUTO Hot Earth Ignition Blade

This is my latest mod done to 7474 engine bay. Since my plug cable cover is cracked , so this will be a good excuse for me to change the plug cable cover. Like always the questions that most of car enthusiast would ask themselves like which type or brand shall I use.

At first I wanted the HKS Kansai carbon fiber plug cable and timing belt cover. Although it looks nice but that is all it does.

My last upgrades was the clear timing belt cover and next up was the pug cable cover. I heard from my friend Hanafi who used to work in N1. He told me that Desmond of N1 installed a Splitfire ignition blade and actually gain 10hp He has a dyno chart to prove it. Since my mechanic actually brings in SUNAUTO product and it is actually a similar system and more appealing. It comes in 2 colour choises, either blue or red. Since my engine bay has a lot of blue colour. I decided to go for the blue on.

For those who does not know or never heard about this product. It actually helps eliminates negative ions circulating throughout the ignition coils and cylinder head therefore providing the lowest possible resistance enabling the ignition system to reach maximum potential. The body of the Ignition Blade is made of lightweight aluminum which hassuperior electrical conductivity. As well as the Hot Earth, ultra low impedance copper wiring uses unique design of 99.99% copper core to get the lowest impedance.

For more information you can visit the website below :


The results, as you can see in the picture. Now the engine bay looks more brighter compare to the dull looking engine that I had earlier.

SUNAUTO Ignition blade still in the box

Before SUNAUTO Ignition Blade

After SUNAUTO Ignition Blade

Side View :After SUNAUTO Ignition Blade

Next will be to dyno the car and see whether there is any power gain or not.

1) SUNAUTO IGNITION BLADE ~ RM: 610 (Enzo Racing)
2) Installation ~ FOC (Enzo Racing)

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